The Future of the Wallet
Originally @ Stanford Review Stanford University is home to many of the technological innovations that drastically reshape how we relate to each other, how we live our lives, and how we interact with the world. And a newly emerging tech trend seeks to drastically reshape a component of life that has been with us as a society for centuries: the wallet. Traditionally, the wallet has had many uses. It has reshaped itself over time from merely a means of conveyance for currency into a mobile hub for any routine personal needs. Modern wallets are normally outfitted not only with cash and credit cards, but also with various forms of identification, cards relating to different vendors (Safeway, Zipcar, sandwich cards) utilities (Swiss Army cards, bottle openers), notes, coupons, receipts, keys, etc. Wallets can be used for pretty much anything related to daily minutiae. Yet many Silicon Valley companies seek to change the integral role that wallets play in our lives, and some of the ef...